But no , they have to go wobbling along the streets blocking the pavements with their fat kids in tow, all stuffing their fat faces as they barrel along spraying food.
Do they not realise how aesthetically unpleasant it is for me to have to look at them.?
Fat young girls parading along as if they`re Gods gift , has someone somewhere told them they`re beautiful or something?.
Low cut jeans with rolls of backfat, midriff revealing tops with layers upon layers of soft blubber, stay at home you Fat bastards.!!
Fat men with nylon football shirts stretched over fat bloated beer bellies ,sports wear now seems to be worn by the very people to whom any physical exercise is an anathema, its the stretch waist bands they like, Fat bastards.!!
Why this outrage against the larger of the species. I am somewhat outraged and upset at your bombastic commentary on the glutonous members of our society. Outrage !!!!!!!!!!!!!